Florida Institute of Management
“Ruby es una excelente profesional con gran experiencia, quien ha colaborado con mucho exito en el desarrollo de empresas latinoamericanas que desean ingresar a Estados Unidos con los cursos que organiza Florida Institute of Management.”

Cynthia Mayer, Consul Comercial, Consulado del Ecuador,  Miami

 “I met Ruby when she was consulting at Ministry of Education in Guatemala as Director of Florida Institute of Management,  and she always demonstrated to be very capable professional and showed high levels of expertise, knowledge and honesty.”

Luis Jurado, Microsoft

“Ruby Ortiz, Directora de Florida Institute of Management, es una excelente profesional experta en coaching y capacitación gerencial, consultora internacional en donde posee una vasta experiencia. Ha ejercido un liderazgo importante como mujer empresaria y ha obtenido reconocimientos por ello. Resalta en su personalidad su gran don de gente, su honestidad y maravillosas relaciones humanas lo que hace que todo su trabajo lo lleve acabo no sólo con gran profesionalismo sino motivando a la audiencia a lograr sus metas.”

Mayra Figueroa de Quevedo, Educacion Gerencial
 “Ruby E Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  is an outstanding leader, teacher and professional whom I had the opportunity to meet and learn from while attending her Business Coaching certificate . Ruby's programs are timely applicable and well worth your time.”

Linsdey Bernstein MBA, Orlando

“Tengo el privilegio de conocer y haber trabajado con Ruby Ortiz, Directora de Florida Institute of Management y puedo constatar que es una excelente profesional, responsable, muy inteligente, capaz, emprendedora, dinámica; diría en pocas palabras: una mujer admirable que trasciende notablemente por su trayectoria profesional y calidad personal.”

​Pablo F. Mazariegos, Presidente Asociación Latinoamericana de Impacto Ambiental
 “Ruby Ortiz, MBA, Director of Florida Institute of Management is an honest and trustworthy person. Her performance as Professor in the Management courses she has taught in the FIU/MTI Department has been superlative. She shares her detailed knowledge of coaching and management with all business people in the Spanish/English language. This coupled with her professionalism and creativity allow her to excel in all her teaching and/or business endeavors. Her evaluations reflect an excellent performance in all the programs offered with us. From 1 to 10, I will rate her a 10. She is the best”

Ana Crucet, Florida International University

 “Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  is a true leader among professional women. She is smart caring, and a hard working woman who sets an excellent example for other professionals. She is an excellent professor and gives back generously to her community”

Marie Gill, President Minority Business Development Center, Miami

“I attended Business Coaching course with Ruby as the teacher and it was excellent. Her teaching skills were over my expectations and the way she ran the class was smooth and clear. I will be in her next course for sure. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.”

Eduardo Bicerne, Ingram Micro

 “A course conducted by Professor Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  is always a great experience. The skills she imparted during the course made a real difference in my work. She exceeded my expectations. She is really unique.”

Carmen Teresa Luengo, The Web Latin Guide

 “Conozco a Ruby desde hace varios años, que la escuché dar conferencias por parte de la Asociación de Gerentes de Guatemala. Este año, tuve la oportunidad de contratar a Florida Institute of Management, donde funje como directora,  para un Curso Intensivo de Coaching dirigido a las jefaturas de la empresa a la que represento, experiencia que nos enriqueció como equipo de trabajo, y que impactó muy positivamente en nuestra cultura organizacional. Considero a Ruby una excelente profesional, experta en los temas que imparte, actualizada en cuanto a conocimientos y tendencias, generosa para compartir su experiencia profesional y personal, pero sobre todo, con una gran calidad humana.”

​Katty Collier, Imágenes Computarizadas

“Ruby and Florida Institute of Management have provided our company, Ingram Micro, with excellent management and leadership training programs. She is personable, credible and has a wealth of knowledge that allows her to relate well to all levels of management. The feedback received from the participants has consistently been rated "very good" and "above expectations", which means that we will continue to use her as part of our training and development program for our current and future leaders.”

 Olga Corpion, Ingram Micro
 “Professor Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management, always provides a great opportunity to  work/share with, both as the professional and the sincere individual she has always been. Ruby is always ready to help and never in a rush, a rare commodity these days."

Reyes Marily, The Cove/Rincon International

 “Ruby Ortiz, directora de Florida Institute of Management,  es una profesional con amplia trayectoria y experiencia a nivel nacional e internacional. Es una persona con gran sensibilidad e integridad por lo que la recomiendo ampliamente como persona y profesional.”

​Maru Acevedo, Presidenta Cámara de Turismo

“Tengo el agrado de recomendar a la Profesora RUBY E. ORTIZ, Directora de Florida Institute of Management, como una  Excelente profesional, Mujer de Negocios y persona con valores eticos y morales incalculables. Como Directora Ejecutiva para Miami y Latinoamerica de Florida Institute of Management, ejerce un liderazgo muy genuino. Sus ensenanzas llenas de una riqueza de conocimientos que al transmitirlos a sus estudiantes-Ejecutivos, lo preparan para ejercer la direccion de empresas que el siglo XXI exige! Hemos desarrollado juntas funciones de Embajadoras de Comercio de Florida. Actualmente hemos conformado el Grupo de GLOBAL SENATE OF EXECUTIVE WOMAN. La recomiendo muy ALTAMENTE!!”

Rossy Salazar, DII International
“Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management is a fiercely intelligent, diligent, and successful businesswomen who enjoys the trust and respect of colleagues, professionals and friends. She is the kind of person you would choose to consult as a very knowledgeable professional and educator. I’m sure you will find her to be a persistent and talented person who will be a delight to work with at any level. Feel free to contact me if you require further information.”

S. "George" Espinosa, President Infogenesis

 “Ruby, Directora de Florida Institute of Management,  es una gran capacitadora a todo nivel, posee muchos conocimientos y sabe como transmitirlos. En lo personal he aprendido muchísimo de ella y me encanta como imparte sus talleres, cursos y seminarios”

Bettina Kuestermann, empresaria de Turismo
She has the integrity, commitment, dedication, honesty, and expertise to be an excellent educator. She is an inspiration to many women and entrepreneurs and has demonstrated to me and to others who know her that she is a TRUE LEADER! There is a general consensus in the South Florida and Latin American business community that she is a top educator, entrepreneur, leader, communicator and networker. I am very honored to recommend Ruby Ortiz to any prospective client, student, educational institution, international trade or community organization or to anyone who is interested in working with Professor Ortiz, especially in the areas of business development, coaching, communication, international trade and education.”

Clara Gomez, Total Translations

 “He tenido el gran gusto de compartir diversos espacios y responsabilidades de trabajo con Ruby E Ortiz, Directora de Florida Institute of Management, siempre he podido observar su entrega y profunda identificación con los proyectos en los que ha estado involucrada. No me cabe duda que es una profesional de primer orden y que su participación distingue cualquier actividad.”

Max Santa Cruz Anchissi, Diplomático
 “Ruby Ortiz is a very good trainer from Florida Institute of Management, inspiring people to think out of the box and moving out of the comfort zone to experiment new ways to do the things, always focused on the core business.”


Oscar Garcia, Sanofi Aventis, Mexico

 “Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  has great ability to facilitate and motivate the inner core strengths of professionals. She is a creative thinker and has been a great inspiration to my success. Her abundant experience allows her to provide practical suggestions, and insight on best business practices. I have refined my facilitation and coordinating skills through Ruby's seminar sessions. I can say that she has helped me in developing leadership skills that have optimized my resources and management abilities. For this and many other reasons, I highly recommend Ms. Ruby Ortiz.”

Greg Chavarria, IT Director, Miami Court House

“Knowledge, Experience, Skills.  Able to Hear and Easy to Advise others with a lot of Human Touch and Business Professionalism. Ruby, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  is not only a wonderful and exceptional Facilitator, Lecturer and Trainer, but also a unique Human Being!”

Fernando Dominguez, IT Director, Latin American Chambers of Commerce-CAMACOL- Miami

 “Ruby, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  is an outstanding professional who helps businesses get results in the areas of marketing, customer service, employee and executive coaching and much more. Not only does Ruby possess a tremendous amount of knowledge about her chosen field, she is also a supremely gifted communicator who has the ability to connect and touch people in a way I have rarely seen. She is a world class talent and I don't hesitate for a second to recommend her to any business looking to create a team of champions. Do you want to grow your sales or get your people to work more effectively as a team in order to outperform your competitors? Hire Ruby and you will have an unfair advantage!”

Danilo Vargas, AVANCE, Miami/International

“I have secured the services of Professor Ruby Ortiz, Director of Florida Institute of Management,  on several occasions, and have attended many of their courses. I know her to be an excellent communicator, business coach and instructor.

 “Tuve la oportunidad de conocer a Ruby, Directora de Florida Institute of Management,  hace varios años cuando estuve aprendiendo de ella mucho relacionado con el fortalecimiento y crecimiento de mi empresa en varios de sus seminarios. Es una persona con un muy amplio conocimiento en las áreas de mercadeo y ventas, desarrollo organizacional, servicio al cliente y liderazgo. Ademas, Ruby es una excelente comunicadora y hace de sus seminarios y talleres unos eventos muy amenos y útiles para sus asistentes.”

Oscar HENAO, Centrix Miami


 “Con la distinguida profesional Ruby Ortíz, Directora de Florida Institute of Management, hemos podido compartir en ámbito académico de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala y de las organizaciones de mujeres que promueven el desarrollo integral de las mujeres y la equidad de género en la sociedad guatemalteca, con sus conocimientos y experiencia compartida, ha logrado promover y motivar a que más mujeres fortalezcan su autoestima y su sentido de vida para involucrarse en su propio desarrollo y el desarrollo de las mujeres en nuestro pais.”

Miriam Maldonado, Directora Programas de Mujer Universitaria